A list of unusual history dissertation topics

Now remember that when writing any dissertation, and certainly any history dissertation, the choice of topic is all-important. Get the topic right as far as your interests, experience and expertise are concerned and you're well on the way to making your dissertation one which receives a very high score.

Don't be like a number of students who don't consult enough with their supervisor. The academic stuff at your college or university are not just there to teach but also to give advice to their students. This is all part of the service. Take advantage of the expertise of the academic staff and in particular your supervisor and make sure that you run past them every idea you have regarding your history dissertation topic. They have been there and done that. They have seen the trouble some students get into with their history dissertation. They may save you a lot of time, pain and effort. Keep in constant contact with your supervisor.

Now when it comes to unusual history dissertation topics, we need to be sure what we mean by the word unusual. What may be out of left field, wacky or certainly unusual to one student, may be middle-of-the-road, normal and usual to another.

Sometimes it's not just the topic

Looking for an unusual history dissertation topic doesn't mean that the topic itself has to be unusual. Of course it could be but it could be what one might call a conventional topic but your dissertation is unusual because of the approach you take to writing your dissertation. Because of the angle you concentrate on in your dissertation, it could be fair to say that it is an unusual dissertation topic.

A perfect example of that would be famous people in history. They are famous and so therefore have been written about by hundreds if not thousands of history dissertation students. Such a dissertation would not be unusual. However, if you choose a famous person but found an unusual angle or approach in your study of that person, then that could make your history dissertation topic unusual.

What are your interests?

Yes it's important that you find an unusual history dissertation topic but it's also important that you find one in which you are interested. Any student writing a history dissertation about a person or an event or an era in which they have a passionate interest is well on the way to writing a terrific dissertation.

Read widely

This advice is given once you choose your topic and start to prepare for your dissertation writing. But the same advice can be given before you choose your topic. By watching documentaries and reading blogs and magazine articles about history, you give yourself a good chance of finding an unusual history dissertation topic.

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